Join Imagine Factions

Factions Commands

/f join <faction name>
Joins a faction

/f leave
Leaves the faction you are currently a member of

/f list
Lists all factions on the server

/f wild
Teleports you to a random place in the world

/f rules
Lists your factions rules

/f coords
Sends your current coordinates to online members of your faction

/f create <faction name>
Create a new faction

/f invite <player name>
Invite a player to your faction

/f deinvite <player name>
Uninvites a player from your faction

/f showinvites
Shows all pending invites for your faction 

/f open
Allow anybody to join your faction without an invitation

/f kick <player name>
Kicks a player from your faction

/f ban <player name>
Bans a player from your faction

/f unban <player name>
Unbans a player from your faction

/f banlist
Shows all bans for your factions

/f promote <player name>
Promotes a player in your faction to the next level

/f officer <player name>
Makes a player an officer of your faction

/f mod <player name>
Makes a player a moderator of your faction

/f leader <player name>
Makes a player a leader of your faction

/f coleader <player name>
Makes a player a co-leader of your faction

/f rename <name>
Changes your factions name

/f description <name>
Sets your factions description

/f rules add <text>
Adds a faction rule

/f rules set <id> <text>
Replaces a faction rule

/f rules remove <id>
Removes a faction rule

/f rules clear
Removes all faction rules

/f disband
Disbands your faction

/f defaultrole <recruit,officer,mod,coleader,leader>
Sets the default role for new members of your faction

Jobs/Skills Commands

Shows your currrent global stats & experience

Shows your current stats & unlocked abilities in Acrobatics

Shows your current stats & unlocked abilities in Archery

Shows your current stats & unlocked abilities in Axes

Shows your current stats & unlocked abilities in Excavation

Shows your current stats & unlocked abilities in Fishing

Shows your current stats & unlocked abilities in Herbalism

Shows your current stats & unlocked abilities in Mining

Shows your current stats & unlocked abilities in Swords

Shows your current stats & unlocked abilities in Taming

Shows your current stats & unlocked abilities in Unarmed

Shows your current stats & unlocked abilities in Woodcutting

/jobs browse
Opens a graphical interface to view and join jobs to earn Bithes